Ingress protection(IP)

Ingress protection rating is developed by European Committee for specifying the level of protection for an electrical device.

The IP rating normally has two numbers.
First Digit: specifies protection from solid objects.
Second Digit: specifies Protection from liquids.

First Digit: Protection against solid objects
0 No protection
1 Protected from object of size 50 mm or more. For example hand touch
2 Protected from object of size 12 mm or more. For e.g. a finger or similar kind objects
3 Protected from object of size 2.5 mm or more. For e.g. tools, wires
4 Protected from object of size 1 mm or more. For example wires or similar kind objects
5 Protected from dust (but not entirely protected)
6 Total protection from dust

Second Digit: Protection against ingress of Water
0 No protection
1 Protected against vertically falling drops of water
2 Protected from vertically dripping water when the enclosure is tilted to up to 15°
from its regular position.
3 Protected from spraying water up to 60° from vertical.
4 Protected from spraying water from all directions.
5 Protected against jets of water from all directions
6 Protected against powerful jets of water
7 Protected against the effects of immersion up to 1m (temporary immersion)
8 Protected against continuous immersion of water beyond 1m.

For example the most common are IP67 and IP68

Sometimes a third number is also specified.
Third Digit: Protection against mechanical impact
0 Not protected
1 Protected against 0.225 joules impact
2 Protected against 0.375 joules impact
3 Protected against 0.5 joules impact
5 Protected against 2.0 joules impact
7 Protected against 6.0 joules impact
9 Protected against 20.0 joules impact

Below are the Recommended links